Bela Adojaan
Graduated from Haapsalu 1st secondary school and the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tartu. From 1997 has the higher category endocrinologist’s qualification.
She defended her doctoral thesis “Immune and genetic factors of childhood onset IDDM in Estonia” at the University of Tartu in 1999.
Has worked as the deputy head of the Hospital of Endocrinology and as manager of the out-patient department, as assistant and the supervisor of endocrinology at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tartu. From 1995 to 1998 was the secretary and from 1999 to 2002 member of the board of the Estonian Endocrine Society.
Has a great experience in organizing various courses and conferences. She is a founding member of the Estonian Osteoporosis Association.
Has received research grants from the Estonian Science Fund (“Immunological and genetic markers of insulin-dependent diabetes”, “Diabetes, Osteoporosis and Menopause”).
Is the author of 10 scientific papers published in international journals. The topics of scientific work are endocrine diseases in children, their epidemiology, immunology and genetics.
Has given presentations in international conferences and been an active lecturer in Estonia. Composed educational materials for doctors and patients – “Growth disorders” (1998), “Nutrition for diabetics” (1999), “Osteoporosis” (2001), “Insulin treatment for family doctors” (2003). Has had professional training in Germany, Poland and Finland.

Toomas Podar
Graduated from the 2nd Tartu Miina Härma secondary school and Faculty of Medicine, University of Tartu (with honours).
Defended candidate’s thesis at the 1st Moscow Medical Institute, obtained Master’s of Public Health degree at University of Pittsburgh, PA, and Doctor’s of Medical Sciences degree from the University of Tartu.
Has given plenary presentations at several international conferences. Has received research support from Estonia and abroad.
Have coordinated World Health Organization (WHO) and European Union’s projects in Estonia.
Has supervised several residents, doctoral thesis and compilation of monograph. Has worked as assistant, docent and visiting professor in at Faculty of Medicine, University of Tartu. Topics of scientific work are mostly related to immunology and epidemiology of endocrine diseases.
He is the author of more than 30 scientific papers published in international journals and editions.
Has had professional training in USA and Germany.
Has served as the member of the board of Tartu University Clinics (1995–1998), head of the Hospital of Endocrinology (1993–1999) and as the head of the department of endocrinology (2000–2002), Tartu University Clinics.
Has been advisor on endocrinology of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Estonian Republic (1994–2000) and chairman of the Estonian Endocrine Society (1992-1998).